K-Flex Industrial Cooling

K-FLEX is a multinational manufacturing company specialised in the production of thermal and acoustic flexible elastomeric insulation materials. The company has production facilities and a network of subsidiaries around the globe in order to provide its products and services to customers wherever they are in the world.

k flex


Client is facing challenges with cooling rubber sheets during the production process, and there's a need for rapid and efficient cooling to achieve the desired quality of the final product. Cooling rubber sheets from 70°C to 30°C instantly is a significant cooling requirement, and achieving this might involve implementing specialized cooling techniques or equipment.

Key Initiatives

We provided Full Puff panel enclosure of puff panel for all conveyor to avoid all cooling losses. Three differnt stage AHU provided to recirculate the cooled air at three differnt stages. All AHU are Chilled water based connected to central chiller. All total enclosue fully closed to avoid leakages and using PID controll rubber can be cooled at desired speed.

Key Impacts

This has helped the client not only to overcome the issues of cooling down fast in a simplest way. Product getting constast temperature delivery of product at cooling tunnel outlet. Speed of cooling can vve modulate as per production automatically so cooling happones with effective power saving.